At this time, we do not remove or offer the service of removing wallpaper.
We give the customer the choice of us supplying the materials or you supply your materials, we always want you to be happy with your choices. We don’t limit you and we also can make great recommendations and have access to good discounts on certain items. We have multiple service providers but are happy to work with anyone you would like.
Every job is different depending on what is required from labor to permits and inspections.
Some jobs, yes and some jobs no. If you need one, we help you get it and do the work for you.
Please remove all small personal items that are breakable, we will remove all big furniture. We provide drop cloths and plastic barriers as needed.
Rarely do we use subcontractors. Only when a specific licensed professional is required.
All of our labor is guaranteed for one year. If you have any issues ever, please give us a call.
Garbage removal can be provided through the township or private carting services for an additional fee.